Advanced MVVM

There is a book for WPF and Silverlight developers looking to take their Model-View-ViewModel skills to the next level.

Advance your MVVM skills here

Advanced MVVM reviews, in 52 pages, how the MVVM design pattern was used to create an addictive and elegant game called BubbleBurst. Read this e-book to gain insights from Josh Smith, an industry recognized expert in WPF, Silverlight, and MVVM, on how to properly design complex View and ViewModel architectures.

The book is available in the following formats:

Tip: If you decide to go with the second option, the DRM-protected e-book, I suggest you install the Adobe Digital Editions application on your computer before downloading the book.

Book Reviews

Review by Tim Heuer, a Silverlight guru and PM at Microsoft

Review by Ward Bell, a Microsoft MVP and expert software architect

Review by Joe, a WPF developer in the field

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction
  • The Demo Application
  • The Source Code
Chapter 2 – Brief Overview of WPF and MVVM
  • WPF
  • Learn More about WPF
  • MVVM
  • Learn More about MVVM
Chapter 3 – View Architecture Overview
  • BubbleBurstView
  • BubbleMatrixView
  • BubbleCanvas
  • BubbleView
  • GameOverView
  • What Should a View Do?
Chapter 4 – ViewModel Architecture Overview
  • Core ViewModel Classes
  • BubbleBurstViewModel
  • BubbleMatrixViewModel
  • Creating Bubbles with BubbleFactory
  • Finding Bubble Groups
  • A ViewModel is a Model of a View
Chapter 5 – Animated Transitions
  • What is an Animated Transition?
  • Designing for Animated Transitions
  • Animated Transitions in BubbleBurst
  • Creating Animated Transitions in the ViewModel
  • Displaying Animated Transitions in the View
Chapter 6 – Unlimited Undo with Animated Transitions
  • Responding to User Input
  • Creating Undo Tasks
  • Managing Bubble Locations
  • Benefits of a Task-based Architecture
Chapter 7 – The Game-Over Dialog
  • Opening the GameOver Dialog
  • Closing the GameOver Dialog
Chapter 8 – Recap
  • Recap
Special Thanks
About the Author


96 Responses to Advanced MVVM

  1. Patrick Klug says:

    Congratulations Josh!
    Looking forward to reading it.

  2. User says:

    I really wanted to buy a copy of your book – right topic, right price… but is there a way to buy a physical copy or in PDF format? I’ve been burned with Adobe Digital Editions books bought from Amazon, which they stopped supporting. There is no way I’m buying anything in that format.

  3. MojoFilter says:

    Yeah, totally. I’m all over that, but I really can’t roll with the PDF Digital Editions. I’ll be watching for another format. Especially if it’s Kindle-friendly.

  4. Josh Smith says:

    Hey everybody. I have made ‘Advanced MVVM’ available for purchase as a hard copy, for those who prefer reading a book on paper. It’s more expensive than the digital version due to production costs, but it’s worth it if you don’t want to read the book from a computer screen. I cannot enable printing without losing my DRM protection, so this is the only viable alternative I could find.

    You can get the hard copy edition here:

    I am also working on making this book available on the Kindle e-book reader.

    Thanks for all your input. I really appreciate it!


  5. timheuer says:

    w00t! let us know when Kindle version is ready!!!!

  6. Ben Reierson says:

    Hey Josh, I’m excited about reading this, and the content looks great, but I have to say I’m disappointed with your distribution choice. You certainly deserve compensation, but I’m not a fan of DRM, especially on my books, and I think you’re likely doing yourself a disservice by using it.

    As it stands, I won’t be buying this today because I’m up to my ears in other things already, but if I could download it free and queue it up for later I’d be more likely to read it and loop back to pay you based on the value I extracted. I’d also be much more likely to point everyone interested in MVVM to this book as a first resource. As it is, I’m not downloading it now and wouldn’t be able to read it on my preferred reader even if I did.

    Take it from Cory Doctorow, who makes his living as a writer and releases everything under creative commons:
    “Why am I doing this? Because my problem isn’t piracy, it’s obscurity (thanks, @timoreilly for this awesome aphorism). Because free ebooks sell print books. Because I copied my ass off when I was 17 and grew up to spend practically every discretionary cent I have on books when I became an adult. Because I can’t stop you from sharing it (zeroes and ones aren’t ever going to get harder to copy); and because readers have shared the books they loved forever; so I might as well enlist you to the cause.”

    Still though, thanks for creating this and I really do hope to come back and check it out.

  7. As with the others, I’d be interested in buying it but not in a proprietary format. Either straight PDF or a printed copy would be great.

  8. Eirik M. says:

    Why do we have to register with Lulu just to buy a friggin’ book? It is completely unnecessary. Too bad, ’cause you’re doing a mighty fine job, Josh.

  9. Josh Smith says:

    @Ben – I see your point. Thanks for your input on this. I have received quite a few requests for paperback and Kindle versions of the book. I have already made the hard copy available, and the Kindle version is pending approval from Amazon.

    @Scott – A printed copy is now available for purchase, at the link shown above.

    @Eirik – They have you enter all your info partly because Lulu is making sure your credit card matches the personal information you are putting in.

  10. Eirik M. says:

    Buying an eBook using Paypal should not require any personal information.

  11. E.Lemieux says:

    Ebays permits to sell electronic version of software, graphical kits, and so on.

    Why wouldn’t you sell your ebook through it ? People could use paypal without having to register.
    I agree with the non-DRM version. Even a watermark would be less dissuasive.

    I’m waiting for updates 🙂

  12. I’m also disappointed by the DRM ebook! I’m used to copy and paste parts of the text. Especially code-fragments. But copy to clipboard is also not allowed!

    I really like the content but the DRM polluted format is bad.

  13. E.Lemieux says:

    Louis: as the code can be downloaded from codeplex, I think that copying code should not be a problem.

    The point is, DRM is bad. I read one cannot print it, and everyone knows those ebooks, audio files, programs that become unusable because of a bug, a version change, a drm server stop… If I pay for a file, I want to be able to use it the way I want (since I do nothing illegal of course).

  14. Manning for example prints a “Licensed to Foo Bar” on the footer of every page of the EBook. Thats a solution I can live with.

  15. Damian Powell says:

    @Louis That’s a solution I can live with too. I’ve bought quite a few of Manning’s ebooks as a result. Yet, I’ve bought none from publishers who insist on DRM or password-protected PDFs.

  16. E.Lemieux says:

    That’s what I called a watermark.

    Didn’t know Manning, but this looks better if no DRM…

  17. I am reading the Kindle version. It looks great and the content is very interesting.

  18. Roy says:

    Just downloaded to eBook version. £6, good value.

    Reading the text and experimenting with the application has finally cemented my understanding of MVVM, especially Data Binding and Commanding.

    I’ve been using WPF / MVVM for 12 months now, and finally feel very comfortable developing with it.

    Roy, over the pond in the UK

  19. Josh Smith says:

    That’s fantastic, Roy! Thanks for letting me know. 🙂


  20. Yazid says:

    does the book cover WPF 4 as well?

  21. Josh Smith says:


    The book reviews an application built in WPF v3.5 with SP1. Which features of WPF 4 would you be interested in seeing covered?


  22. frosty says:

    Thank you much Josh. I’m 3 weeks into learning Prism as well as MVVM to put together a proof of concept WPF app for my employer. You are so right about the honeymoon ending as soon as you try and do anything “real world”. It led me to purchase community software and start working on ( also points to it.

    FYI. I’m trying to figure out how to configure it and set it up to where it’s a central place to gather, share info and have a group of developers interested in these patterns be able to communicate and share ideas.

    I’ve emailed or contacted most of the people who’s work I’ve read. (I know you don’t know me or my intentions so if this comes across as a shameless plug, please feel free to remove it, no hard feelings. I don’t have your email to contact you directly so I’m using this avenue.)

    The main motiviation for the site is Composite apps using Prism with MVVM mixed in. But I hope it expands to other areas such as MVC.

    Again, thank you for this book. I’ve just purchased it and can’t wait till I get a chance to read it!!

  23. Eirik M. says:

    Hi Josh.

    I know I’ve been giving you a bit of flack regarding Lulu requiring registration when purchasing the eBook-version of your Advanced MVVM book. So to cheer you up, I thought I’d let you know (for what it’s worth) that I have bought a copy 🙂

    You’re doing such a great job, so I couldn’t pass on the opportunity to learn more from one of the MVVM masters 🙂

  24. Josh Smith says:

    🙂 Thanks Eirik! I appreciate it.


  25. Eirik M. says:

    My pleasure Josh. For the project I’m working on the book was a godsend.

  26. Rex Bloom says:

    RE: WPF vs. Windows Forms

    I know this is the wrong post but I really want your opinion on WinForms and WPF and Silverlight.

    Do you still feel the same way about WinForms as you did when this article is written. What is your opinion about the Future of WPF and Silverlight (convergance?)

    Thanks, your blog is very interresting and I bought your e-book…looking forward to the read.


  27. Josh Smith says:


    In my opinion, WinForms is still a viable option for companies that don’t have, or have the capacity to gain, WPF skills. I haven’t seen any news about WinForms enhancements online, and doubt that it will be supported by MSFT for as long as WPF.

    The future of WPF and Silverlight is an interesting topic. MSFT is really pushing the “convergence” idea hard, so we can expect the platforms to maintain parity. Whether or not they will merge into just one platform is yet to be determined, but I doubt it. Time will tell…

    Thanks for buying my book!


  28. […] you’re programming WPF or Silverlight, don’t pass up the opportunity to give Advanced MVVM a read. Written by one of the best WPF developers in the known universe, it’s sure to be […]

  29. Damien says:

    Hello Josh,

    First of all, thanks for all your hard work, it’s been a great help for me, and many of us, I’m sure.

    As a first step in “Advanced MVVM”, I have started to study the source code of your application. I’m really pleased with it and I am seriously considering buying the book to get a more in-depth knowledge.
    Yet, from reading the source code, a question came to me. Did you use Expression Blend for the UI? If yes, is it covered in the book?


  30. Alan says:

    Hi Josh,

    Is this book for C# developers only? I notice that the BubbleBurst app on codeplex is C# only. As a VB developer will I be able to get any value from your book?


  31. Josh Smith says:

    @Damien – I did not build the UI in Blend, and the book does not discuss using Blend. The focus of the book is not on how the UI was built, but on how the application was designed and how difficult problems in the app were solved.

    @Alan – The application is all C#. I have already had a few VB guys tell me that they got a lot of value from the book, so I don’t think that the syntax flavor should make much of a difference. After all, it’s .NET code at the end of the day. 🙂


  32. Damien says:

    @Josh – Thank you for your answer. I understand the focus of the book and it sounds all good to me! 🙂
    Yet, as this is not adressed in the book, I hope you can give me a (short) opinion here.
    I am in the middle of writing an MVVM application (based on Cinch). The MVVM part is very limited yet and I plan on extending it (more advanced views and scenarios, animations) so your book could not come at a better time for me! The question is: should I use Blend for it? As far as I understand, you only used VS for BubbleBurst, can you tell us why?

    Thanks in advance.


  33. Josh Smith says:

    @Damien – You should use Blend if it helps you be productive and create better software. I didn’t use Blend simply because I didn’t find a need for it while working on BubbleBurst. It’s probably to my detriment that I don’t use Blend much. It’s a great tool!


  34. Chad says:

    Came here via Tim Heuer’s blog to grab this book, but not owning a Kindle, I guess I’ll wait and hope for a non-drm pdf download.

    You’re making it difficult for me to give you my money :/

  35. Josh Smith says:


    Thanks for stopping by. Sorry, but I have no intention of selling an unprotected digital copy of the book. I might be making it difficult for you to give me your money, but I’d rather make it difficult for others to not give me theirs.

    By the way, you can also purchase a hard copy (paperback) version of the book. That one is 100% DRM free! 🙂


  36. Josh Smith says:


    You can read the Kindle version without having to have a Kindle. The “Kindle for PC” application allows you to read Kindle books on your desktop. I just tried it out, and it works great.


  37. Chad says:

    Hi Josh, thanks for that, I’ve gone with the Kindle for PC version – still a pain to install another app however 🙂

    I’d argue that the people who aren’t interested in paying, aren’t going to pay regardless (and your book is likely already in the pirate circles, with the drm removed) but I digress….

    Frosty, a previous commenter posted “You are so right about the honeymoon ending as soon as you try and do anything “real world”.” – This has been exactly my experience of “hitting the wall” with MVVM, so I’m really interested to get stuck into your book.

  38. Josh Smith says:

    Thanks Chad! I hope you enjoy it. 🙂

    With regards to the pirated copies of my book (which already are on the Web)…I’ve read too many horror stories of people downloading pirated copies of things and ending up with a nasty virus on their machine. If someone wants to avoid paying a few bucks for my book, but is willing to risk having a keylogger send their credit card number to another thief, that’s their problem.


  39. Rakoun says:


    I have just bought the ebook on Lulu but no link was provide to me???
    And I don’t find where to contact Lulu about this problem.



  40. Rex Bloom says:


    Sign in to LULU with your email/password and click view downloads under your recent orders (right side of page). On the next page next to your purchase, click download.


  41. hateAdobe says:

    fyi – the kindle version is actually $9.99…i’d highly recommend that, as it installed error-free in seconds & book was available immediately.

  42. Rakoun says:

    Ok, I found it, thanks Rex :).


  43. Lito says:

    Hi Josh,

    I’m just getting my feet wet on WVVM. The title of your book sounds like it’s advanced stuff. Will a novice like me benefit from it, or should I first brush up on ‘getting started’ stuff? Also, browing the comments here, I noted ‘Prism’. Is pre-understanding Prism needed to learn MVVM from your book?

  44. GF says:

    Will the kindle version work with the MobiPocket reader? I’d love to have this reference on my phone but this will only work if the format is interchangeable.

    Or could you offer the product in mobipocket format with DRM?

  45. Josh Smith says:

    @Lito – You might want to start off with my MVVM article in MSDN Magazine: Then move onto Advanced MVVM once you are firmly grounded. And no, Prism is not discussed in Advanced MVVM.

    @GF – I’ll look into it.

  46. Anthony Brien says:

    Will there be an iPad (iBooks) version?

  47. E Johnson says:

    I purchased your book (digital edition) but when I try to download it I get an error
    Error getting license
    Server communication problem: E_ADEPT_IO
    Is that lulu’s problem or yours or mine?

  48. Raul Rangel says:

    Hey Josh, I just finished reading your book and all I have to say is “Wow… Talk about a paradigm shift.” Very eye opening on the use of code behind and how it all interacts with each other. Good Work! I do have one question with regards to the Model aspect of MVVM. You didn’t use it? I would have thought creating a BubblesMatrixModel that had a collection of BubbleModels would have been the MVVM approach, where each BubbleModel would have had a BubbleLocationManager and all the business logic. So my question is when would it be appropriate to ignore the Model layer and merge it with the ViewModel ?
    I’m currently working on a LOB application where I have a model for each business object, and a view model for each of those business objects. I mainly use the business object view models as a value converter (Wonder where I learned that one? ;)) and for my tree views. One place where I run into problems is some of my models contain collections of other models and in order to expose those in my view models I had to create a collection wrapper that creates a view model for each model object in my collection. I don’t think this is really best practice at all, but it’s what I ended up doing because I have my Model and View Model layers. So I was wondering when it would be appropriate to merge the two as you have done in your book?

    Thanks for taking the time to write such a great and useful book 🙂


  49. […] that came up in the WPF Disciples group recently. Justin Angel posted an review of Josh Smith’s Advanced MVVM book. In his review he talked about how MVVM was “essentially about these 3 things:” 1) Data […]

  50. Josh Smith says:

    @E Johnson – I’ve heard of others having that problem. I think the answer is to adjust your firewall to let the Adobe app to get through. Sorry, wish I knew how to help you more.

    @Raul – Thanks! I am definitely *not* promoting the idea that Models are unnecessary. Sometimes they are absolutely necessary, such as when you want to have business logic in them, etc. In my app, I didn’t need a Model layer, so I didn’t create one. I wanted to focus on the interactions between View & VM.

  51. Alexander says:

    Hello Josh,
    Will it be ever possible to buy a hard copy of your book on Amazon? I have possibility to buy books only on Amazon and for me it is better to have a hard copy. Thanks!

  52. Josh Smith says:

    Sorry Alexander, I don’t have a way to sell hard copies of my book on Amazon at this time. Hard copies are only available on

  53. […] Heuer wrote glowingly about Josh Smith’s new book ‘Advanced MVVM‘ on his blog recently […]

  54. Rev says:

    Hi josh
    You are great man on Wpf(Maybe on MVVM).
    I had a question:
    which is better MVVM or MVP?
    Microsoft recommend to Use Composite pattern model base on MVP!!!

  55. Josh Smith says:

    Hey Rev,

    There is no “better” pattern in general. Better is a relative term. Whatever suits your needs, solves your problems, and works well for you is “better.”


  56. Rev says:

    thx Josh
    But i want to know which one is better for WPF/Silver Light app!(mean Business app)
    composite have many steps(create view in user control), and that step make working hard.
    Regards Rev

  57. frosty says:


    Composite isn’t a replacement for MVVM, to me it’s an additional way to modularize your apps. Prism is about using Modules and Regions to architect your app.

    I think there is some confusion with naming. In Prism, they use the terms Presntation but also say they mention the “Presentation Model” which I believe was defined by Martin Fowler.

    There are some that would say that MVVM and “Presentation Model” are synonomous.

    To me that’s one of the frustrating things in trying to get started with with these patterns. Most have their own ways of thinking and terminology and it can become confusing.

    I think when you research you’ll find most of the frameworks out there are based on the MVVM concept.

    However, I found I liked the concept of creating Modules and using regions to display my views. Plus I like it because it’s something from an Industry leader like Microsoft and probably a better chance of becoming a standard way of doing things.

    The MVVM frameworks usually have some workspace plumbing.

    It’s because of this frustration, I’m trying to get a community up for these types of discussions and sharing of info in a central place.

    Right now I’m working on lessons which create a LOB app from scratch and use Prism combined with MVVM patterns. I happen to use the Cinch framework as I like it best of any I’ve had time to go through. However, it was written for WPF and isn’t fully compatible with SL.

    Please feel free to check it out and let me know questions.

    Go to the Training (Prism) category. I’m working on Lesson 8 right now.

  58. Dave M. says:

    Great read so far, Josh! I’ve learned a ton from your online articles, so naturally I wanted to buy your ebook. I kind of wish I had gone with the Kindle version, though, because this Lulu format is for the birds (from a Kindle owner’s standpoint). Anyhow, I am really looking forward to finishing this tonight, and then reading it over and over again (and working through the sample code) until I get it. 🙂

    Just out of curiosity, how come your ebook comes up in the Adobe Digital Reader as “Author unknown”? That’s a bummer.

  59. Josh Smith says:

    Thanks Dave. Sorry that you don’t like the ebook format as much as Kindle. I don’t know why it says Author Unknown. I looked into it but gave up after a while. No biggie.


  60. Pradeep says:

    I am not going to buy the book just because of the DRM.

  61. Josh Smith says:

    Pradeep – You can buy it for Amazon Kindle, which has a better experience than the DRM-protected version on You do not need to have a Kindle device, just download the free Kindle for PC program from Amazon, and then you can read the book without a hassle on your PC, iPhone, iPad, or Kindle.

  62. Rex Bloom says:

    Predeep….don’t let that stop you. It is not inconvenient at all. The adobe download was painless and it is a good book reader. The book is worth the price and the little bit of extra effort required for DRM…or as Josh mentions, just get the kindle version for your PC. Make it work and enjoy the book.

  63. Pradeep says:

    I once bought a DRM-ed PDF from Amazon (Adam Nathan’s .NET and COM Interoperability book) for about $50. Later Amazon stopped selling the book and I formatted my machine and now I cannot open the book anymore. $50 down the drain. So I will never again buy a DRM-ed book.

  64. Dave M. says:

    downloading the DRM book is certainly not as convenient as getting the kindle book, since you have to have a Lulu account just to buy it.

    I’m mostly annoyed because I can only read it on my computer, whereas if I had known (at the time I bought the DRM version) that there was a Kindle version, I would have just bought that instead, and been able to read it on pretty much every device I own.

    It’s too bad that the page I read to find out about the book only mentioned the hardback and DRM version. Oh well.

  65. Urda says:

    Would it be possible to get this book in the Barnes and Noble Nook store? I have a nook and not a kindle and I’d LOVE to see the book there!

  66. […] of MVVM design pattern I will use is a slightly easier variation of this one by Josh Smith-  At the end of this tutorial, you should have a class diagram that resembles the […]

  67. Adam says:

    Hi Josh,

    I was reading your article in MSDN magazine (the one about the MVVM pattern with the source code) and I was wondering where I should put the command for saving the data back to a database. Should that go into the repository or the viewmodel?


  68. Jeff Collett says:

    Hi Josh,
    In regards to your MSDN mag article( the MVVM customer app).
    I have been using that pattern for a app I have been working on.
    I have added a number of tabs and I would like to have the tabs go across the display rather than creating a 2nd row.
    How can I make it do that?
    Have not been able to find a property that does that.

  69. Jeff Collett says:

    Hi Jeff,
    Lower the DockPanel width to get the tabs to lay from left to right.

    Good find Jeff,
    Hey, wait a minute, thats me!

  70. Joerg says:

    Of course I see the point of authors having to be compensated for there hard work. But people not willing to pay will download one of the pirated copies of your book floating around the web. And people willing to pay like me are annoyed by the crappy DRM stuff. So cant see where you gain anything as an author.

    If I buy a file, I want control. I want to read it my my favorite devices, I want be able to print some pages to add handwritten comments and use it as quick reference while working. And first of all: If the DRM server provider decides to stop the service, my files I have PAID FOR are unusable. Been there, done that.

    I would pay even more fore a plain PDF of your book if there is no DRM. If you do not trust me, you also will not sell anything to me. Sorry. Hopefully you reconsider your decision to annoy paying and honest customers with DRM. And I will buy a copy.

  71. You actually make it appear really easy along with your presentation however I in finding this topic to be really something which I believe I would never understand. It seems too complicated and very large for me. I’m having a look forward on your next post, I’ll attempt to get the dangle of it!

  72. Joe says:


    I’ve started working with MVVM, and have already gone through your earlier article. My questions : this book description indicates Silverlight, with which I have ZERO experience. Is knowledge of Silverlight required to make real use of this text? Are the code samples in the book dependent on Silverlight?

    Thanks in advance…

  73. Josh Smith says:

    There’s nothing Silverlight specific in the book at all. It’s based on WPF code, but the principles apply to Silverlight as well.

  74. Bob Buchanan says:

    Hi Josh
    Just finished reading your book ….Since code behiond is frowned upon except like you said some specifics, how do you suggest handling task like Navigation? From the MVVM model you don’t want the View deciding on the next view? Would you use a unit of work pattern? How and where does that reside in the model? I think I am close to the light bulbs turning on….Help on this Navigation topic would be helpful.

  75. Florian Witteler says:

    Hi Josh!

    It would be really great, if you would offer your book in a non-DRM pdf. I really like the approach of the pragmatic-programmers. Once you buy an ebook, you get it in three different formats:
    – pdf
    – epub
    – mobi

    Each of them contains a footer on visible each page (e.g. this ebook was prepared for Josh Smith) and some invisible information of the owner to prevent file-sharing. But I find it really great to carry my book anywhere I want.

    Since I don’t own a kindle, I don’t find the appropriate book in your offering. I have a mac at home, and I’m unsure, if I’d be able to view the book without problems.


  76. click here says:

    Nearly all of the opinions on this webpage dont make sense.

  77. bill says:

    Hi, Josh,

    I purchased this ebook at Amazon and am playing with source code. I am very interested in figuring out how the starting animation works, but got very frustrated. Could you explain how it works and where the source code is?



  78. kashiraja1 says:

    Both Manning and Informit provide DRM-free e-books.

  79. […] Advanced MVVM by Josh Smith […]

  80. notabookworm says:

    Gosh, I never buy any book on any tech…rather do r&d n learn myself..

  81. Christoffer says:

    Nice book.
    BTW, the link to the Digital copy (e-book) at Lulu is dead.

  82. Josh Smith says:

    Thanks for the heads up, Christoffer! The link has been fixed.

  83. John says:

    MVVM approach is very promising. There are a lot of tools and frameworks that make your life easy when applying MVVM approach. Check out the open source Xomega Framework, for example, which is MVVM on steroids. I used it on several projects with great success. Combined with the Xomega modeling and code generation tools in Visual Studio it hits it right out of the park. Btw, they have released a new version recently for VS2012.

  84. […] A Game to Learn: BubbleBurst is a fun and addictive game, based on the classic game called BubbleBreaker. It is the subject of Advanced MVVM, a book written by Josh Smith to help MVVM developers take their skills to the next level. The application architecture is based on the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern. Several difficult problems were solved in elegant, reusable ways, as explained in great detail by the book. And if that isn’t enough, the user interface was enhanced by several professional Visual Designers and User Experience gurus!Feel free to download the source code or binaries, even if you don’t buy the book. […]

  85. […] design whereas the application developer design the code-based ‘ViewModel’ (in the good old MVVM way of working). They do their work in isolation and at a certain point in time they integrate their work smoothly […]

  86. Jim Kay says:

    There’s not too much on MVVM that I’m aware of for the C++/CX and XAML platform Microsoft is espousing. Does anyone KNOW if this book will assist one in writing MVVM on the XAML platform?

  87. […] will be eligible to win two copies one copy (see below) of Josh Smith’s Advanced MVVM book as well as a few other WPF […]

  88. Tim M says:

    Josh – ‘Advanced MVVM’ is great! Bubble Breaker is easy enough to understand, yet not boring. What differentiates this book is insight into the *design* of MVVM – the pattern and where/why to put code.

    I understand you want to preserve your IP and respect that. But ePub sucks! I prefer PDF.

  89. Animesh says:

    Josh – I recently looked at your article on MSDN and was amazed by the in-depth coverage on MVVM. However I have one query arising out of the sample code provided in the article.

    The issue that I faced with is to open the AllCustomersView via a button click and the button is placed on the CreateNewCustomerView. I tried various tricks and the Command is getting invoked but somehow the code:”
    doesn’t open the View in question.

    Please provide your inputs, I can provide my code if you want.


  90. enrico says:

    Hi Josh,
    I am reading your great article in MSDN magazine about the MVVM pattern but it looks like the source code has been removed.
    Can you provide a new link where to download it ?

    Again thank you for writing such a good tutorial,Enrico

  91. […] Advanced MVVM | Josh Smith on WPF – There is a book for WPF and Silverlight developers looking to take their Model-View-ViewModel skills to the next level. Advanced MVVM reviews, in 52 pages, how the … […]

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